Food and Beverage
- General Information
- Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center

When was the last time you asked for seconds at a Convention Center? In Columbia SC get used to surprises. Through our in-house catering company, OVG Hospitality, we strive to ensure our food reflects the local flavors of our region. Our chef often uses fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to craft custom menus that fit your one-of-a-kind event, no matter the size.
Download the menu and catering policies here, and contact one of our sales managers to schedule your private tasting.
Who's in the kitchen?
Meet Chef Tommy - a pilot turned culinary master who believes sourcing local products helps our Convention Center in more ways than one. On top of crafting a better product, it lowers our carbon footprint by reducing the travel needed to get our ingredients. Sustainability in the kitchen is a point Chef Tommy drives home to his staff. All paper, cardboard, and cooking oil is recycled, plus all back of house food waste is composted.
While his favorite type of food to prepare is Upscale Southern, Chef loves to customize menus. It offers an unexpected service to the client, and also keeps his kitchen staff engaged and excited for each event. Find out more about Chef from our Behind the Scenes story below.
OVG Hospitality Food Services & Hospitality Sales Office
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM
Behind the Scenes at CMCC with Chef Tommy Kasperski
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center's chef Tommy Kasperski actually had a career plan outside the food industry. In fact, he never went to culinary school. He studied to be a pilot, and graduated...
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