Green initiative leaf logo.

Here at the CMCC, we firmly believe that we have a responsibility to conduct business in a manner that positively affects the well-being of our employees, clients, community, and the natural environment. While the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to shift our focus and make the safety of our attendees and employees our top priority, we look forward to revisiting and building on our sustainability initiatives when the time is right. 


Environmental Standards

We strive to maintain high environmental standards in the areas of energy efficiency, waste management, recycling, purchasing, food preparation, and individual behaviors.

Our mission is to establish a culture of environmental stewardship, to educate our employees and clients, and to integrate sustainability into our core business practices. As we continue to adopt and implement new strategies to lessen our environmental impact, we encourage input from all of our stakeholders as we undertake these endeavors.

Sustainable Business Practices

Our organization has implemented several specific measures to limit our carbon footprint and to better our community and planet:

• We have established a sustainability committee comprised of members from each department of the organization.
• Our in-house catering group regularly donates leftover food to charity organizations.
• Our used cooking oil is picked up and recycled responsibly.
• Our produce is purchased from South Carolina farms.
• 100% of our lighting was converted to LED, which uses approximately 67% less energy annually
• We monitor heating and air when buildings are unoccupied and during move-in days.
• Our entire organization participates in a single-stream recycling program.
• We have implemented paperless practices in multiple areas of the organization.

We believe in transparency. It is our plan to publish our annual waste totals and continue to improve upon those figures.

2023 Sustainability Stats

2023 Sustainability Stats

Goals for the Future

Some of our goals for the future include: 

• Incorporating green training as part of new employee hiring.
• Implementing an organization-wide green purchasing policy.
• Working towards LEED Certification for Existing Buildings.

We feel there are many small changes we can make that will benefit our community and organization now and into the future. We invite you to join us in our efforts to significantly better our community and planet.

Where Should I Stay?

There are over 2,000 hotel rooms within one mile of the convention center. We're happy to arrange rooms for your group within walking distance of the center. Contact us for help!

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